Millions more of the Asia Pacific's poor and vulnerable are suffering from undernutrition and food shortages due to rising food prices.... Read more
Nazalea Kusuma
Naz adalah Manajer Editorial Internasional di Green Network Asia. Ia pernah mempelajari ilmu Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota dan tinggal di berbagai kota lintas Asia Tenggara. Pengalaman pribadi ini memperkenalkan Naz pada masyarakat dan budaya yang beragam dan memperkaya perspektifnya. Dalam kehidupan profesionalnya, Naz memiliki passion dan pengalaman hampir satu dekade sebagai penulis, editor, penerjemah, dan desainer kreatif.
Tetsu Nakamura was a physician from Fukuoka, Japan, who spent decades of his life helping people in a desert area in Eastern Afghanistan. Nakamura’s story is one of respect, commitment, and hard work. ... Read more
This year, a forest at the slopes of Mount Lawu flourishes, and the credit goes to one man, Sadiman. Today, we celebrate Sadiman and his twenty-five years of labor. ... Read more