Corals spawned for the first time at the Fitzroy Island coral nursery on the Great Barrier Reef.... Read more
Nazalea Kusuma
Naz adalah Manajer Editorial Internasional di Green Network Asia. Ia pernah mempelajari ilmu Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota dan tinggal di berbagai kota lintas Asia Tenggara. Pengalaman pribadi ini memperkenalkan Naz pada masyarakat dan budaya yang beragam dan memperkaya perspektifnya. Dalam kehidupan profesionalnya, Naz memiliki passion dan pengalaman hampir satu dekade sebagai penulis, editor, penerjemah, dan desainer kreatif.
Protecting a child’s safety and well-being now must include protecting them in the digital world.... Read more
Indonesia officially launched nationwide free PCV immunization in September.... Read more
Stateless people are often denied basic human rights like education, healthcare, and others.... Read more
C40 recently announced new partnerships that would put over $1 billion into climate action projects in the Global South.... Read more
Today, almost five billion of us are connected through the internet. However, about a third of humanity remains offline.... Read more
“Given their preference for habitats outside the protected areas, elephants will inevitably come into conflict with people.”... Read more
Bangladesh, Pakistan, Indonesia, and Vietnam launched a joint program to reduce and manage hazardous chemicals in their textile sectors. ... Read more
In August, Sydney officially launched new performance standards for buildings to reduce emissions.... Read more
It is possible to reallocate the existing budgets to provide healthy diets that are more affordable, accessible, sustainable, and inclusive for everyone.... Read more